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Free Vape Starter Kits Offer To Half of Bristol Smokers

Free Vape Starter Kits Offer To Half of Bristol Smokers

Free Vape Starter Kits Offer To Half of Bristol Smokers

Bristol Regional Government in the UK supports smoking cessation. Nearly half of the region’s smokers will receive a free vape starter kit on the NHS. It’s part of a “world-first” effort to help people quit smoking.

£2.2 million paying for 60,000 units of vape starter kits equipment.

The local health department has successfully applied for this found from the government.

The scheme aims to help smokers switch from cigarettes to vapes, which is safer than traditional cigarettes. Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) committee heard.

There are about 144,320 traditional cigarettes users across the region. 60% of whom are in cities.

The ICP has set itself a target of becoming “smoke-free” by 2030/31. That is, the adult smoking rates below 5%.

But before that happens, about 24,000 people need to quit smoking each year.

people quit smoking cigarettes by using vaping devices

people quit smoking cigarettes by using vaping devices

The government announced a ground-breaking free vape scheme called “Swap to Stop” in April. And ICP’s bid has just been approved.

Public health consultant Samuel Hayward tells board members that Bristol has the highest smoking rates in the South West. The reason is partly due to the legacy of the tobacco industry.

He says: “The evidence is clear that, for smokers, nicotine vaping is a far less risky option and poses a small fraction of the risks of smoking in the short and medium term.”

The specialist stop-smoking services will give out these vape starter kits to the users.

The children cannot get these starter vape kits. “We need to reduce the uptake of vaping and the number of young people accessing vape products.” Samuel says.

Vaping is regarding as an alternative for smoking. It is used for smokers to quit smoking. It is not a tool to attract those non-smoking people.

VPFIT, the top vape manufacturing factory, claps for this activity. This will help more smokers to abandon traditional cigarettes and turn to vaping products. The vape starter kits will help smokers to know the advantages of vape devices.

Related reading: free vape starter kit on the NHS.