WARNING: This product contains nicotine, nicotine is an addictive chemical.
Only for audlts, anyone below the age of 21 is prohibited from buying e-cigarette.

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Smoore’s Dark Moment , Profit Halved Market Value Plummeted
March 27, 2023
Finland electronic cigarette and vape news
Finland electronic cigarette and vape news
March 29, 2023

Latvian Parliament Amendment Bill on Electronic Cigarettes

Latvian Parliament Amendment Bill on Electronic Cigarettes

According to Latvian television on March 23, the Latvian Parliament supported the amendment bill in the second reading, which includes:

  • It is not recommended to completely prohibit electronic cigarettes.
  • Prohibit the sale of flavored vape products and other nicotine products.
  • Prohibit the sale of electronic cigarette products and other nicotine products with a similar appearance to candy, snacks, and toys.
  • Increase the age of purchasing nicotine products from 18 to 20 years old.
  • Smoking will be banned in casinos.

This amendment received the support of 79 members of Congress, while 6 members opposed it.

In order for the amendment to take effect, the amendment to the law must still be approved in the third (final) reading of Parliament.

It is reported that Latvia is one of the countries with the largest number of smokers in Europe, with over one-third of adults smoking in the country.

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